The Retina Center of St. Louis County Applauds Data Confirming Dietary Oral Zeaxanthin Decreases the Progression of Wet Age-Related Macular Degeneration

September 12, 2023 Off By BusinessWire

ST LOUIS–(BUSINESS WIRE)–The Retina Center of St. Louis County is excited to share recent data that was published in the peer-reviewed journal Ophthalmology and Therapy, titled Prevention Surpasses Treatment: 5-year Follow-Up, Cost-Utility, and Cost-Benefit of Zeaxanthin Therapy for Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration.

The study confirmed both an earlier comparative trial and two-year randomized clinical trial that 20 mg of dietary zeaxanthin daily decreases the chances of developing neovascular (wet) age-related macular degeneration in the second eye. The five-year follow -up, case-control study revealed that oral zeaxanthin decreases the incidence of wet macular degeneration in the second eye by 54% in those who already have wet macular degeneration in the first eye. This typically indicates that people who benefit from this therapy will maintain driving vision. Zeaxanthin supplementation improved overall quality-of-life by 7.2% for each enrollee.

“These results are really remarkable,” said Joseph Olk, MD, lead practitioner at The Retina Center of St Louis County and co-author of the study. “They tell us that with nutritional intervention, we can help AMD patients protect their long-term vision and maintain their independence. We always knew nutrition was important for these patients, but now we know just how important it is, specifically dietary zeaxanthin, is for protecting sight.”

Another report by the Second Age-Related Eye Disease Studies (AREDS2) Research Group published 5-year post-trial data in JAMA Ophthalmology in 2022 demonstrating that a combination of the nutrient lutein + 2 mg zeaxanthin daily decreased the development of severe macular degeneration by 9%.

The current report data suggest that the 20 mg zeaxanthin dose added to the AREDS2 recommended supplements with 2 mg zeaxanthin is 54% more favorable yet in preventing wet macular degeneration in second eyes. Dr. Olk reiterated, “No serious ocular or systemic adverse events were experienced from zeaxanthin supplementation, either, further supporting its use in everyday care protocols.” The European Nutrition, Novel Foods and Food Allergens Panel recommends a safety factor not to exceed 53 mg/day of zeaxanthin for a 70-kg adult, well above the 20 mg daily dose utilized in this study.

Finally, the cost-benefit analysis accompanying the study indicates that 20 mg of dietary zeaxanthin supplementation daily in the group of 114,000 US citizens who develop unilateral wet macular degeneration each year would generate a financial return to primarily patients, then insurers, and the American public, of $6.0 billion above the cost of zeaxanthin supplementation over 11 years. This 1531% return-on-investment is made possible by less ophthalmic and non-ophthalmic medical costs, reduced depression and trauma, decreased caregiver costs and extended facility costs, less transportation costs, and improved vocational situations.

Dr. Olk explained, “These are monumental savings for patients, families, insurance companies, and the general public. There are few paths we can take that will get us that kind of ROI and these kinds of patient outcomes. This model of care must become standard in my opinion.”

The Retina Center of St. Louis County provides specialized care for patients with diseases of the retina, vitreous and macula, and is operated under the direction of R. Joseph Olk, MD. Dr. Olk and his associate Dr. Levent Akduman, will work closely with referring doctors to provide coordinated, efficient, and quality medical care. Once a condition has been stabilized, whenever possible, patients are then returned to their referring doctor for continued care. The Retina Center of St. Louis County Is an approved AMD Center of Excellence and we strive to provide the highest level of patient care and personal attention.


R. Joseph Olk, MD
