Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management Joins Forces with the Belgian Life Sciences Ecosystem to Train the Next Generation of Biotech and MedTech Leaders

Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management Joins Forces with the Belgian Life Sciences Ecosystem to Train the Next Generation of Biotech and MedTech Leaders

March 31, 2022 Off By Author

The Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management in collaboration with the ULB research institute I3h has  launched a new Advanced Master in Biotech & MedTech Ventures. The programme addresses the thriving Belgian and European life sciences’ need for young entrepreneurial talent capable of taking on (C-level) management positions in early-stage Biotech and MedTech companies.

Belgium is widely considered to be one of the leading European life sciences hubs, attributed to the recognized world-class research performed at universities and research institutes. Based on these academic innovations, a steady stream of spin-off ventures is created, whose growth is nurtured by a complementary ecosystem of investors, service providers, large pharmaceutical companies, and government support. To build these early-stage companies into the industry powerhouses of the future, there is a need for young and ambitious entrepreneurs with a unique skillset, combining an in-depth insight in Biotech and MedTech-specific processes, strong business acumen, and excellent personal skills, the School announced.

With the new programme, the Solvay Brussels School strives to contribute to the future success of Belgian life sciences by training the next generation of (C-level) executives. In an intensive year-long programme, students and young professionals from diverse backgrounds (including sciences, (bio)engineering, finance, law…) will get the opportunity to develop the required complementary set of personal, technical and business-oriented skills tailored to the management of early-stage Biotech and MedTech companies. They will learn how to develop a product, build a team, secure funding from seed stage to IPO, and build a sustainable business model that balances the challenge of profitability for the investors and the contribution to a healthy society. This specific focus on management of early-stage companies makes this programme unique, Solvay said.

Karin Doguet, General Manager Solvay Lifelong Learning: “Solvay Lifelong Learning (SLL) develops training courses benchmarked against cutting-edge developments in business. The Advanced Master in Biotech and Medtech Ventures is part of this endeavour. The offering is multidisciplinary, as are these businesses, and involve faculty with varied and experienced profiles. Participants are proposed an ideal dynamics for growth through intensive group learning sessions, development of technical and leadership skills, as well as extensive networking opportunities in a key sector of our economy, both at the federal and regional levels.”