Quantro completes simultaneous 10-target multiplex-screening

January 9, 2025 Off By Dino Mustafić

QUANTRO Therapeutics has successfully completed its first ten-target multiplex-screening campaign, which yielded validated hits and functional proof of on-target activity for multiple molecular targets.

This milestone further expands the capability to establish QUANTRO’s innovative QUANTROseq® platform as a pioneering technology in the fight against diseases driven by transcriptional dysregulation, such as cancer and inflammation indications.

After successfully establishing its technology for single- and dual-target screenings at a current capacity of approximately one million compounds per year, QUANTRO has now completed the first-ever simultaneous 10-target multiplexing high-throughput screening (HTS). This pilot project, which screened a 10,000-compound diversity library, met all quality control criteria and achieved a 100% hit rate for both positive and negative controls. Furthermore, the QUANTROseq® platform identified high-quality hits across most of the selected targets, providing deep insights into transcriptional changes as well as on-target potency and selectivity, while minimizing off-target effects.

“This achievement represents a significant breakthrough for QUANTRO and more broadly for drug discovery, unlocking unprecedented opportunities for the discovery of novel targeted therapies,” said Dr. Michael Bauer, CEO of QUANTRO. “By advancing our capabilities from single and dual target screenings now up to currently 10-target multiplexed high-throughput screenings, we are effectively profiling entire compound libraries for multiple targets, redefining the possibilities in transcription factor drug discovery. The unparalleled precision and depth of information generated by our QUANTROseq® platform now enable us to rapidly create proprietary compound libraries for a wide range of targets, including those previously deemed ‘undruggable’.”