New Virta Health Results Show Sustained Type 2 Diabetes Reversal at Two Years and Continued Reduction of Insulin

June 5, 2019 Off By BusinessWire

Results show exciting promise for reducing dependence on medications
and alleviation of the massive cost burden for people living with type 2

, the first company with a treatment to safely and sustainably
reverse type 2 diabetes (T2D), today announced the publication of
two-year peer-reviewed research from its ongoing clinical trial, now
over three years in duration. Published in Frontiers
in Endocrinology
, the results demonstrate sustained diabetes
reversal—reducing HbA1c below the diagnostic threshold for T2D while
eliminating diabetes-specific medications—in 55% of two-year completing

These outcomes represent a milestone in sustainability and continue to
challenge the notion that T2D is a life-long sentence of disease
progression and medication use. Among the 74% of patients enrolled in
the Virta Treatment at two years, 67% of diabetes-specific prescriptions
were discontinued, and patients simultaneously experienced a 0.9
improvement in HbA1c. Ninety-one percent of patients who began on
insulin were able to reduce or eliminate their dosage. On average
patients lost and sustained the loss of 12% of their initial body weight
at two years.

No significant changes were observed in the usual care group, which
underscores the acute need to find new solutions for T2D now. The
epidemic only continues to grow, with prediabetes and type 2 diabetes more
than a 100 million people in the U.S
alone. The total economic
burden of T2D in the U.S. has exceeded $400
annually, an average of $13,240
per diagnosed individual. Estimates of medication cost reductions for
patients on insulin are nearly $5,000 annually.

“These results are exciting because they give millions of people living
with type 2 diabetes proof that they can reverse their type 2 diabetes,
transform their health, and reduce dependency on expensive
medications—and sustain the rapid positive results for years,” said Sami
Inkinen, Virta Health co-founder and CEO. “We are getting patients off
of drugs, like insulin, they thought they’d be on for the rest of their

Today’s publication also highlights the long-term positive impact of the
Virta Treatment on T2D comorbidities, and including cardiovascular,
liver, kidney, thyroid and inflammation-related markers. Notably,
patients experienced an average 22% reduction in triglycerides and a 19%
increase in HDL-C. Patients also showed a 78% reduction in non-alcoholic
liver fibrosis score (NFS), which is a calculated biomarker related to
non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) a
$100B problem in the US today

“Historically, the best medicine could do for type 2 diabetes was
control it with lifestyle intervention and medications,” said Robert
Ratner, MD, Professor of Medicine at Georgetown University and former
Chief Scientific and Medical Officer of the American Diabetes
Association. “Virta is now providing us the first indication that
long-term remission can be achieved, without the need or expense of drug

enrolled in the Virta Treatment three years ago. As she looked ahead to
retirement, she realized she would eventually lose the insurance that
covers most of her medication costs—in particular, the cost of the
insulin she had been on for 20 years.

Within 8 months with Virta, she was off all of it, and her A1c is down
to 6.4% from a starting point of 9.0%.

“I really do believe that I have gained 10 or 15 years on what I might
have lived otherwise,” said Nina, a Virta Trial Patient in the third
year of treatment. “After the first 2 years of Virta, I told my husband,
‘You know, I’m going to give you a run for your money. I’m going to live
as long as you do.’ I truly believe that I’ve extended my lifespan by
many, many years.”

For more information on the benefits of the Virta Treatment and to view
the full paper, please visit

About Virta Health

Virta Health provides the first treatment to safely and sustainably
reverse type 2 diabetes without medications or surgery. Among enrolled
patients in our clinical trial at one year, 60% achieved diabetes
reversal and 94% of insulin users reduced or eliminated usage
altogether. Results extend beyond diabetes reversal to other areas of
metabolic and cardiovascular health, with sustained improvements in
blood pressure, inflammation, liver function, and BMI. For enterprises,
Virta puts 100% of its fees at risk and can reduce medical prescription
costs by more than 70% in year 1 alone. Delivered through Virta’s novel
continuous remote care platform, the Virta Treatment provides
unparalleled medical and behavioral support and is transforming the
lives of people living with type 2 diabetes. To learn more, visit
or follow us on Twitter @virtahealth.


Paul Sytsma
Virta Health