N4 Pharma progresses with nanoparticles as a delivery system for DNA and mRNA vaccines and therapeutics

June 30, 2017 Off By Dino Mustafić

N4 Pharma provided latest research results for its Nuvec nanoparticles which it is developing as a delivery system for DNA and mRNA vaccines and therapeutics.

The objective of the study was to assess the systemic tolerability of the Nuvec Silica nanoparticles when administered as a single dose via subcutaneous injection to rats, a standard non-clinical species for such studies.

Shortly explained, a single subcutaneous administration of the Nuvec nanoparticles to rats did not cause any toxicological effects considered likely to be of long term concern.

ApconiX Limited, the Company’s partners in these studies, have approved this as an accurate reflection of the results observed.

N4 Pharma said that further in vivo studies to demonstrate the transfection capability of the Nuvec particles will be performed.

Nigel Theobald, CEO of N4 Pharma, said:

“We continue to make good progress demonstrating the capability of our Nuvec vaccine delivery system.

We have already demonstrated its transfection capability compared to standard industry in vitro techniques (lipofectamine) and it is important we undertake studies to further show we can achieve transfection in an in vivo environment. Whilst there remain several important steps before we can demonstrate the suitability of our Nuvec system to our potential commercial partners, the fact that we can show there is no systemic toxicity is a very important hurdle to overcome.