Lutz Hilbrich Appointed as Senator to the Senate of Economy Europe

Lutz Hilbrich Appointed as Senator to the Senate of Economy Europe

March 9, 2022 Off By Dino Mustafić

MiGenTra and ProBioGen have announced the appointment of Dr. Lutz Hilbrich, Chief Executive Officer of both companies, as Senator to the Senate of Economy Europe.

The Senate of Economy Europe is a Think & Do Tank, the companies explained. Members include representatives from business, science and society, engaged in dialogue with decision-makers from politics, business, culture and the media. The aim of the Senate is to revive the traditional idea of the senators of the antiquity on a European level: a balanced circle of independent spirit favoring the common good over self-interests. Honorary Senators like Jean Claude Juncker, Sigmar Gabriel, Klaus Töpfer, Rosi Gollmann, and in the past Hans-Dietrich Genscher, reflect the idea of what defines the Senate.

Dr. Hilbrich says: “I am truly honored by the appointment as Senator. The Senate offers the interaction on an international level with a diverse array of game changing individuals. I am particularly committed to support and drive in the Senate of Economy Europe further the idea of the Marshall Plan with Africa, where MiGenTra can play a ground-breaking role.”