Holographyx Announces U.S. and European Patent for Anti-Counterfeiting System for Blister-Packs

Holographyx Announces U.S. and European Patent for Anti-Counterfeiting System for Blister-Packs

March 2, 2022 Off By Dino Mustafić

Holographyx  has been granted a U.S. patent for its Holo-Blister product along with a European Patent for the development of this unique and cost-effective method to apply holograms to the back of blister packs using conventional heat-seal blister packaging equipment, Holographyx  announced in its press release.

Holo-Blister holograms have been designed so that they will only be visible behind each pill/capsule cavity on the back of each blister pack, thereby allowing the printing of dosage and marketing information on the area surrounding the pill/capsule recess, the company said.

The size of the worldwide market for counterfeit pharmaceuticals has been estimated to be as much as $200 billion annually. Although anti-counterfeiting measures such as “track and trace” can be used to distinguish legitimate pharmaceutical products from counterfeits, these systems require consumers to go on-line to validate each of their pharmaceutical purchases. Blister-packaging utilizing Holo-Blister provides consumers with the ability to visually validate the authenticity of their purchases instantly with the use of custom holograms that, prior to the development of Holo-Blister, would be extremely difficult to manufacture and apply, the company explained.

Holographyx has been working with the Hazen Paper Company in cooperation with Uhlmann Packaging on the development, testing, and introduction of Holo-Blister, the company said.