CORRECTING and REPLACING NanOlogy Publishes Review Article of Preclinical and Clinical Research Supporting LSAM-DTX

October 3, 2022 Off By BusinessWire

FORT WORTH, Texas–(BUSINESS WIRE)–In the second paragraph, first sentence of release dated September 20, 2022, the URL embedded under the phrase “review article” has been updated.

The updated release reads:


NanOlogy LLC, a clinical-stage interventional oncology drug company, announced today that a review article of preclinical and clinical research supporting its investigational drug, large surface area microparticle docetaxel (LSAM-DTX), has been published in Drug Delivery and Translational Research (DDTR).

The review article entitled Local administration of large surface area microparticle docetaxel to solid carcinomas induces direct cytotoxicity and immune‑mediated tumoricidal effects: preclinical and clinical studies provides a review of preclinical research that supports tumor-directed LSAM-DTX as well as promising results from the high-risk nonmuscle invasive bladder cancer arm of a clinical trial of local LSAM-DTX in urothelial carcinoma, which were published earlier this year in The Journal of Urology. The articles also follows an earlier review of preclinical and clinical research supporting another NanOlogy investigational drug, large surface area microparticle paclitaxel (LSAM-PTX), published in DDTR in 2020.

Highlights from the current article:

  • LSAM-DTX is retained in the tumor as a depot for continuous drug release after intratumoral injection in a range of solid tumor preclinical models.
  • LSAM‑DTX in combination with an immune checkpoint inhibitor demonstrated synergy in a preclinical metastatic breast cancer model.
  • Evidence of efficacy is seen in preclinical xenograft models of bladder, prostate, and renal cancer as well as evidence of an abscopal effect in a preclinical syngeneic renal cell adenocarcinoma model.
  • In the high risk nonmuscle invasive bladder cancer clinical trial arm (n=19) of a dose escalation/expansion trial of intramural and intravesical LSAM-DTX in urothelial carcinoma, 100%/78%/50% of subjects in the high-dose cohort (n=9) achieved a complete response at the 3/6/12 month timepoints respectively. Moreover, evidence suggesting favorable immunomodulation was reported after analysis of suitable tissue samples collected pre/post administration of LSAM-DTX.

In addition to LSAM-DTX, NanOlogy clinical programs have advanced tumor-directed LSAM-PTX in pancreas, lung, peritoneal, ovarian, prostate, and dermal cancers.

The NanOlogy therapeutic platform is based on a proprietary supercritical precipitation technology that converts active ingredients into stable large surface area microparticles (LSAMs) of pure drug optimized for tumor-directed therapy and continuous drug release to maximize drug delivered to the tumor and minimize systemic toxicity.

Taxane particles are covered by composition of matter patents issued in the US (US 9,814,685, US 10,507,195, US 10,993,927, and US 11,123,322), Canada, Europe, Japan, China, Hong Kong, South Korea, Australia, Indonesia, and Russia valid through June 2036. The composition patents form the foundation of an extensive intellectual property portfolio protecting NanOlogy investigational drugs, formulations, methods, and technology.

About NanOlogy

NanOlogy, LLC ( is a private clinical-stage interventional oncology drug company formed in 2015 to improve the treatment of solid tumors based on a proprietary particle engineering technology platform for tumor-directed drug therapy to maximize drug in tumor and minimize systemic toxicity.


This announcement contains forward-looking statements defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, as amended, including statements about our product development, business, and other activities. Such statements are subject to risks and uncertainties inherent in any pharmaceutical development program which may cause actual results to differ materially due to developmental, clinical, regulatory, market, competitive, technological, or other factors. All forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this announcement and the company disclaims any intent or obligation to update these statements. NanOlogy investigational drugs have not been proven safe and effective as required by U.S. FDA and have not been approved by FDA or any other jurisdiction for commercial distribution. NanOlogy is a trademark of NanOlogy LLC.


Dan Eramian

Opus Biotech Communications

[email protected]