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Sygnature Discovery relocates to a pharma biotec hub in Boston

Sygnature Discovery has moved its US office to the heart of the Cambridge–Boston biotech hub, describing it as a small but a significant move, as it will have more than 100 pharma/biotech companies within a mile of the new office, and many more in the wider Boston–Cambridge area.

‘We have seen the benefits of having a physical presence in Harvard Square, and it has served us really well,’ said Anders Lindstrom, Director of Marketing at Sygnature. ‘The opportunity to move closer to the Kendall Square centre of the biotech cluster was one we could not pass up. One of our key strengths is our collaborative approach to drug discovery, and a physical presence as close as possible to customers is important, so this crucible of drug discovery is the perfect place for us.’

Describing the significance of the relocation to a biotechhub, Sygnature’s SVP of Business Development, Paul Clewlow said: “A huge amount of exciting drug discovery is going on in the Boston–Cambridge area – not just biotechs, but big pharma is congregating there now as well. It is a great hub for us from where to better serve our North American customer base’.”

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