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Sanofi: French AMF approved EUROAPI’s listing prospectus

Sanofi has announced that the French Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) has approved the listing prospectus prepared by EUROAPI in connection with the intended listing of its shares on the regulated market of Euronext Paris.

On March 17th, 2022, Sanofi’s Board of Directors unanimously decided to submit for approval to its shareholders the proposed distribution in kind of EUROAPI shares, via an additional extraordinary dividend, exclusively in kind, in addition to the previously proposed €3.33 cash dividend per Sanofi share.

The Distribution by Sanofi to its shareholders of EUROAPI shares in the form of an additional extraordinary dividend, exclusively in kind, is subject to the shareholders’ approval at Sanofi’s May 3, 2022 Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting, the company said.

EUROAPI first day of trading expected to occur on May 6, 2022, Sanofi said.

After the Distribution, Sanofi has confirmed its intention to hold circa 30% of the share capital and voting rights of EUROAPI, and EPIC Bpifrance, acting on behalf of the French State under the French Tech Sovereignty Convention of December 11, 2020, would hold 12% of the share capital and voting rights of EUROAPI and circa 58% of EUROAPI’s shares will be distributed via a dividend in kind. L’Oréal, Sanofi’s largest shareholder, has committed to a lock-up period of 1 year following the settlement of the Distribution, i.e., May 10, 2022, the company said.

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