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Prominent Technologist William F. (Bill) Stasior Joins Avellino Labs Executive Advisory Committee

Stasior to Lead Build-Out of Data Infrastructure for the Genetic
Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technology Company

MENLO PARK, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Avellino Labs, global biotechnology and genetic science innovators,
announced today the addition of William F. Stasior to the company’s
Executive Advisory Committee and consultant to the company. Stasior will
advance Avellino Labs genetic data management infrastructure to support
the company’s growth and expanding application of its technology in
health and precision medicine.

“Bill brings tremendous knowledge and skill in developing platforms for
managing complex data systems and we are extremely pleased to work with
him as we build out our robust genetic services profile,” said Avellino
Labs Chairman of the Board Gene Lee. “Ultimately, we hope to derive
industry and life-changing findings through the analysis of genetic data
via artificial intelligence engines and applications.”

Stasior brings decades of experience at some of Silicon Valley’s most
recognizable technology companies to support Avellino Labs plans for
growth in the genetic service provider sector. Most recently, Stasior
led the team responsible for Siri, Apple’s intelligent personal
assistant. As a member of Amazon’s senior executive team, Stasior led
search and navigation at the company’s A9 subsidiary. Previous stints
include Altavista, Netcentives and Oracle. His background includes
research positions at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
and the Charles Stark Draper Laboratory while earning his undergrad and
doctorate degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from

Since its establishment, Avellino Labs has tested over 720,000 patients,
primarily in Korea and Japan, for various forms of genetic eye diseases
known collectively as corneal dystrophies. Now, the company is preparing
for a global roll-out of its latest diagnostic innovation, in addition
to the ongoing development of its novel gene-editing therapeutic
products, both of which have applications beyond ophthalmology.

“Delivering on the potential of genetic data to address a broad array of
health issues is an exciting opportunity,” said Stasior. “Avellino Labs
has built a foundation for genetic diagnosis and therapeutics in
ophthalmology and, with a strong data platform, we can rapidly expand
the company’s capabilities into other areas of disease research and

Stasior joins the members of Avellino Labs Executive Advisory Committee
supporting the company’s strategic expansion plans with best practices
from a wide array of data-based business sectors:

About Avellino Labs

Avellino Labs is a global leader in gene therapy and molecular
diagnostics and the pioneer in precision medicine for eye care. Avellino
Labs is pioneering CRISPR gene editing to manage and potentially cure
inherited diseases. Avellino Labs continues to expand its diagnostics
capabilities, building on the success of the world’s first DNA test to
confirm the presence of genetic indicators that are positively
associated with corneal dystrophies, providing life-changing information
for patient treatment decisions and follow-up care. Avellino Labs is
headquartered in Silicon Valley, California, with operations in Korea,
Japan, China and the UK.

Avellino Labs was named a 2015 Technology Pioneer by the World Economic
Forum based on its potential to impact global health.

To learn more, please visit
or follow us on Twitter @Avellinolab_USA.


Media Contact:
Lisa Spicer, Engaged Communication

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