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MindBytes BVBA Collaborator Publishes Manuscript Demonstrating That an Evidence-based Educational Tool Developed Using Its SERES Framework Is Superior to Traditional Educational Materials in a Randomized Study

TURNHOUT, Belgium & EDMONTON, Alberta–(BUSINESS WIRE)–MindBytes BVBA and its subsidiary, MindLab Interactive AI Inc., (“MindBytes”) today announced that researchers from the Manchester Centre for Health Economics, at The University of Manchester recently published a manuscript in the journal The Patient, comparing an evidence-based interactive educational tool developed by MindBytes against plain-text educational materials as part of a preference study in rheumatoid arthritis (the “Study”). The randomized study, which was led by Prof. Katherine Payne, found that the use of an evidence-based interactive educational tool developed by MindBytes was superior to plain-text educational materials in terms of choice consistency without biasing preferences. This suggests that an evidence-based interactive educational tool may improve participant understanding, leading to more accurate results.

“The results of the Study suggest that participants who received the interactive educational tool have a better understanding of the educational content than those who received the plain-text. Accordingly, the use of such interactive tools could allow preference researchers to utilize more complex study designs or perform research with smaller sample sizes”, says Dr. Caroline Vass, Lead Study Author.

This is another proof-of-concept for MindBytes’ SERES Framework, which was used in the development of the educational tool tested in the research study. “In preference research, it’s critical not to bias study participants. This is especially relevant for interactive educational tools, as the communication style could vary substantially even with the same underlying content. Therefore, developers must delicately balance design choices that keep study participants engaged, while providing information in a value-neutral way. The positive Study results demonstrate that interactive educational tools developed using MindBytes’ SERES Framework can be designed to be value-neutral, while resulting in better understanding by participants compared to plain-text materials”, adds Geert Vander Stichele, MindBytes’ CEO and Study Co-Author.

Related to this, MindBytes has developed an interactive, supportive tool (EDU-GRID) that recommends educational tool features depending on patient, disease, and treatment characteristics, based on regulatory and HTA requirements. The Study was one of the first tests of EDU-GRID, which substantiates its added value in the educational tool development process and particularly in the area of patient preference research. MindBytes is currently writing a manuscript on the development of EDU-GRID along with its collaborators.

“Not only can our interactive educational tools be embedded in online surveys but, as demonstrated in the Study, they offer an added value compared to traditional alternatives. Therefore, MindBytes is well-positioned to take advantage of the shift towards online preference elicitation surveys by researchers and organizations, especially as we are the only developer to select educational features based on regulatory and HTA requirements”, comments Geert Vander Stichele.

About MindBytes BVBA

MindBytes, formed in 2014 in Belgium, is a leading service provider with operations in Europe and North America that develops data-smart educational software aimed at realizing behavioural changes for healthcare, pharmaceutical, and government clients. MindBytes is composed of a multidisciplinary team of Software and Data Engineers, Science Experts, and Communication Professionals that are dedicated to helping people and organizations change their behaviour and make better decisions. The driving force behind their projects is a shared passion for improving the lives of patients and their families. Its client list currently includes several top 10 pharmaceutical companies, regional governments, and healthcare institutions. More information is available about the company at:


EDU-GRID is the first interactive, supportive tool that integrates regulatory and HTA requirements with educational tool features. It allows researchers to input the key characteristics of a study (patient, disease, treatment) and recommends the optimal format and educational features based on the requirements. EDU-GRID has been developed in collaboration with the University of Leuven and researchers in the Innovative Medicine Initiative-funded PREFER Consortium. More information is available about EDU-GRID at:

Original article:

Vass CM, Davison NJ, Vander Stichele G, and Payne K. A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words: The Role of Survey Training Materials in Stated-Preference Studies. Patient, 2019;


MindBytes BVBA
Turnhout, Belgium

Geert Vander Stichele, PharmD, M.Sc. (Econ.)
+32 (9) 262 02 59

MindLab Interactive AI Inc.
Edmonton, AB, Canada

Connor Buffel, MBT
+1 (780) 710-3492

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