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MDxHealth and Maastricht University Collaborate on Next Generation (Epi)genetic Cancer Diagnostics

MDxHealth Builing

MDxHealth Builing

MDxHealth has signed an agreement with the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences / School for Oncology and Developmental Biology (GROW) at Maastricht University to expand its existing research collaboration to develop commercial next generation (epi)genetic cancer diagnostics.

According to the multi-year R&D agreement, the collaboration will focus on developing (epi)genetic-based assays to provide better insight in the diagnosis, staging and treatment of cancer patients. For these next generation assays, the focus will be on sample in and result out based platforms. This technology would also be applied to MDxHealth`s current and upcoming liquid biopsy tests including SelectMDx(TM) for Prostate Cancer, MDxHealth said in its press release.

Dr. Jan Groen, CEO of MDxHealth commented: “The development of next generation liquid biopsy diagnostics for oncology will be game-changing and help physicians manage their patients faster and more effectively.”

Prof. Dr. Manon van Engeland, Professor of Pathobiology of Cancer and Scientific Vice-Director of GROW said: “MDxHealth`s expanding portfolio of liquid biopsy tests are ideal to run on the assays we`re in the process of developing.”

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