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Corporate Reputation of Global Pharma in 2019: Patient Perspective – The Views of 1,850 Patient Groups and the Impact of COVID-19 –

DUBLIN–(BUSINESS WIRE)–The “The Corporate Reputation of Pharma in 2019 – The Patient Perspective – Global Edition – The Views of 1,850 Patient Groups” report has been added to’s offering.

How did the Industry Perform?

Patient-group attitudes towards the pharma industry as a whole were more positive in 2019 than in any of the previous years this survey has been undertaken. Patient groups rated the pharmaceutical industry 1st for corporate reputation out of nine healthcare sectors (a first for the pharma industry).

However, patient group attitudes do vary worldwide.

2019’s respondent patient groups also stated that the pharma industry’s performance at activities of importance to patients had mostly improved since 2018.

(Read more…)

2019’s respondent patient groups clearly felt that the pharmaceutical industry, despite having made improvements, still has scope to do better, particularly in the areas of:

Less than one-fifth of 2019’s respondent patient groups thought the pharmaceutical industry “Excellent” or “Good” at transparency (whether transparency in its pricing of products, in the sharing of its clinical data, or in its funding of external stakeholders).

Less than one-fifth of 2019’s respondent patient groups considered the pharmaceutical industry “Excellent” or “Good” at patient engagement in R&D (despite regular calls throughout 2019 by patient organisations and regulators for the further involvement of patients in this core pharma activity).

Only 10% of 2019’s respondent patient groups believed the pharmaceutical industry to be “Excellent” or “Good” at having fair pricing policies.

About the Survey and the Analyses

I. Results of a survey of 1,850 patient groups

II. Best-practice case studies from eight leading pharma companies

The eight contributing pharmaceutical companies are:

These eight companies tell their own stories about their patient-centric strategies, and what they were doing in 2019 (and have planned for 2020) to improve their corporate reputation with patients and patient groups.

A note about COVID-19

COVID-19 should have little impact on the results of the 2019 ‘Corporate-Reputation’ study, due to the timing of the survey (November 2019 to February 2020 – largely before the crisis became global). Only the opinions of the 15 respondent China-based patient groups may have been influenced by the epidemic.

However, COVID-19 is already creating greater public awareness of the pharmaceutical industry. On the one hand, the industry’s scientific abilities are being applauded. On the other hand, drug companies have come under pressure to reduce prices during the pandemic. The 2019 ‘Corporate-Reputation’ results can, therefore, serve as a platform to assist pharma in its corporate-reputation strategies, in the context of the COVID-19 crisis and thereafter at a time when the reputation of the pharmaceutical industry is very much in the public eye.

Key Topics Covered

  1. Executive summary
  2. Patient-group relationships with pharma, 2019
  3. Industry-wide findings, 2019
  4. Rankings of the 48 pharma companies, 2019 (v. 2018) among patient groups familiar with the companies
  5. Rankings of the 48 pharma companies, 2019 (v. 2018) among patient groups that work with the companies
  6. Profiles of the 48 companies, 2019 (v. 2018)


  1. Profiles of respondent patient groups, 2019
  2. IMethodology
  3. What 8 pharmaceutical companies say about their patient-oriented activities, 2019/2020

Tables and Charts

Profiles of the 48 companies, 2019

Charts and Tables for Each of the 48 Companies:

Companies Mentioned

For more information about this report visit


Laura Wood, Senior Press Manager
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